Add your event

Let us promote you

Glastonbury Tor on a summers day

Your event details

Please tell us about an event you are hosting for Somerset Day by completing this form.

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU FILL IN ALL SECTIONS – If you leave any blank you will not be able to submit the form

Please make sure you add https://www. at the start of your web address. This could be your Website, Facebook, Instagram or social media page.

Please make sure you add https://www. at the start of your web address. This could be your Website, Facebook, Instagram or social media page.

When does the event run to and from?

Dates must be added in the follwoing format: DD-MM-YYYY

Please add you time in am/pm format eg: 5:00pm

Is there an admission fee?

Event location

What facilities does the venue have?

Event information

Please give us as much information as you can, but a minimum of 50 words and maximum of 300 words.

Event images

Featured image

This image must not contain text and will be cropped to various sizes.

Additional image

This image must not contain text and will be cropped to various sizes.

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU FILL IN ALL SECTIONS – If you leave any blank you will not be able to submit the form

Thank you!
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